During the Christmas period, CQC joined in the festive spirit by donating their old mobiles phones to a charity called Against Breast Cancer (who use old phones to generate funds to support their cause).
This month CQC has been supporting another very worthy charity by donating their old laptops to Computers 4 Africa:
Computers 4 Africa opens the door to IT education for millions of children. IT has revolutionised schools globally with unequalled access to information, interactive teaching and key work skills. A single recycled PC or recycled laptop can impact 24 children’s lives during its first year, offering new hope to break out of the poverty cycle.
Your old working IT kit can make this difference. Whether you are upgrading your home computer or you are looking at an IT refresh for 10,000 machines we can help, by providing an ethical and economical solution to IT disposal.
To find out more, or to donate your old computers please click here.